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Capture the maximum value of your price and promotional activities. Kuona's Trade Promotion Optimization (TPO) allows you to calculate the real performance of your historical and current activities and optimize future ones.
Kuona adapts its dashboards and tools to the different S&Op processes (for instance with price curve and profitability tools).
Automatic documentation of historical promotions with analysis of results in terms of volume, revenue, profitability, ROI, cannibalization, elasticity, customer coverage and impact on the rest of the portfolio.
Daily monitoring of results with reports and indicators.
Tools that improve analysis with customer granularity.
Sales scenarios with and without promotion to evaluate effects on volume, profitability and investment.
Consideration of customer groups depending on the business and the intention of the promotion.
Recommendation of which products to promote and at what price depending on the goal (maximizing revenue, volume, profitability)
Analysis and definition of optimal pricing structures.
Optimization of price increase objectives: Volume, Sales or Profitability.
Price analysis tools such as price curves between packages and channel comparisons
Generation of price increase scenarios with restrictions. Create scenarios of profitability and sales volume in order to plan price increases.
Libraries of different elasticities (price, promotion, cross-price, complementary) per item for different customers in order to optimize the use of the promotional budget.
Visualization and downloadable reports to facilitate analysis.
Kuona is a vertical solution that goes from automatic data integration and extraction to the final recommendation. Kuona generates beautiful dashboards, prioritizes opportunities, processes huge quantities of data, predicts demand and optimizes pricing, promotions and sales orders.